April 1, 2011

The Joke's On Us!

No it is very much real.
All week I have been hearing about
the northeastern we were supposed to 
be getting today.
I was hoping all week that it was a big 
April Fools joke.

Does this look like a joke
to you?

Come on it is 
April for goodness sake.
Yes, yes I know I wanted snow.
But in normal snow months.
Not April?!?! 
And to top it off it's not even
the kind of snow you can out and play in.
It is a nasty wintery mix
(see how I had to say wintery in April)
of snow, rain and ice. 
That is what it is just

For those of you that are actually enjoying 
the benefits of spring
I am jealous!


  1. Oh my! Well, we have having cooler temps but NOTHING like this! ;)

  2. Thanks for following Just Wedeminute, I'm following back. So sorry that you have snow in April, we sometimes get snow in April too but it's supposed to be in the 80's here this weekend so we are going to enjoy it. Go have a snowball fight and some snow ice cream (I have a great recipe for it on my blog).

  3. I feel ya! It's was snowing earlier on today. It's just cruel at this point. Let's hope old man winter goes on vacation like yesterday ; )
    New follower from the blog hop and I look forward to following your blog!...Hope u can come by for a visit! http://adventuresatgreenacre.blogspot.com

  4. Ummmm. It got to 97 here the other day. Talk about polar OPPOSITES! It's BARELY April and it was 97?! I know I'm in the desert... lol

  5. We woke up yesterday morning to a blizzard...it was crazy gloomy and you couldn't see 2 feet in front of you...then by 4pm, the sun was shining bright and it's melting away!
