August 30, 2010

I should be...

doing all kinds of things. But this rain is finally getting to me. Yeah it so should have taken sooner than this. I mean it's been raining since Thursday night. So I figured that maybe just maybe if I blog my list of things to do when I sit down here and see my list I will get back up and complete one of the many tasks I have to do before Madison's Pinkalicious birthday on September 11th. OMGosh that is SO soon.


Print Madison's birthday invitations

Make the birthday banner

Go shopping for all the pink birthday supplies

Get the food for the party

Clean my carpets

Make a giant cupcake for pin the cherry on the cupcake.

Make pink play dough.

Buy and make birthday favors. Lots of pink...

Clean house for family and friends coming

Not loose my mind in a sea of PINK

And in case you really want to know... the theme is Pinkalicous which if you don't know the book is a whole lotta pink. I love me some pink as much as any other girl but this might get to be too much! Here's the main character...

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