March 28, 2011

Mommy & Me Monday

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?
 With the weather being so wishy washy
lately we never know what we 
can get out and do.
So with that said we haven't been out 
doing a lot of anything.
There is SO much to do here in 
Boston just most of it is outdoors.
And can I tell you again how much
I love the snow and cold but am 
an outdoors person when it comes to extreme
weather situations. 
Like freezing weather and heat you to death weather!

So here are a few shots of me and the kiddos 
being lazy around the house 
and having maybe just a little bit of fun
mixed into the laziness.

And apparently I need to work 
on getting my little Ninja to sit
still long enough to take a picture with
his Mama! 
The last one of the two of us together is 
way back in October
and we weren't really even 
taking a picture together

Warning of an overkill of pictures
we me and my Ninja coming soon
to a blog near you! ;)

Also, my Yogi Bear DVD winner is:

Amanda M who said...
I follow via GFC
You have 48 hours to claim your prize. :)


  1. I assume the Ninja is just hard to get to be still, right? Cute shots! :D

  2. I really wish we lived would make extreme weather conditions more tolerable! ♥

  3. Mine don't sit very still, either. I usually have to grab them and tell daddy to snap fast!
